Thank you for visiting the Tetra extraction site. Please accept our invitation to a herbal adventure where we can use the healing power of mother nature’s medicine with gratitude together. If you have clicked this far, we assume that you are trying to solve a health problem that you or someone close to you is dealing with. Ak ste sa preklikali až sem, predpokladáme, že sa snažíte riešiť zdravotný problém s ktorým sa zaoberáte vy, alebo niekto z vášho okolia.

Why our products?

Tetra extrakt kalmilky v MCT oleji

We are bringing to the market a revolutionary method of extraction from medicinal herbs and spices. Our oil-based, highly concentrated drops are unique in that they contain a full spectrum of active ingredients that we can extract at human body temperature, so there is no degradation.

How do we differ from others who offer similar products? It can be easily shown with this example:

Alchemilla vulgaris – Lady‘s Mantle
Commonly available nutritional supplements contain macerate of 0.5 – 5 g of Alchemilla per 100 g of nutritional supplement. This is called standard macerate. 15 ml of our product contains a full-spectrum extract in a basic concentration from 53 g of Alchemilla (naturally, the concentration can be increased as needed).

The volume of the extract is, as already mentioned, 15 ml, or 375 drops for an adult. This volume will cover 42 days of use (if using 3 drops 3 times a day). For children, it is even longer, as the recommended dose is 1 drop, 3 times a day.

Therapeutic honeys with tetra extract are products that parents will appreciate, because children will adore them.

Did we pique your interest? Try our products!

We are constantly expanding our portfolio of products of which many are results of the demands from people surrounding us and whose enquiries we are trying to fulfill. You can view our latest additions on our website.

Ing. Ivan Malik

riaditeľ spoločnosti / technológ

Vestibulum posuere felis vestibulum pharetra dapibus. Nam vitae sapien dapibus, condimentum ipsum non, porttitor purus. Cras et diam ac – nunc urna magna, porttitor eu laoreet aliquam, pellentesque eu velit. Suspendisse potenti! Ut elit tellus ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Ivan Malík - Tetra extraction products